Author: Taufiq


Since I was kid, my dreams in sleeping was very much strange. Maybe because I read many books, including my grandfather’s massive book collection and many comics that I read from the comic rental, and I watch so many films, including much early Japanese anime that shown on the TV. I also often be carried […]

Public Transport is Dying in Jogja

This few days, my mother told me that it is harder to get Biskota. For example, the highway near my house, it used to be passed by Jalur 7, but lately rarely passed, if didn’t pass at all anymore. It passed by Transjogja too, but between the bus stops are too far here. It was […]

Fuel Queue Deception

Last week we saw a phenomenon in Yogyakarta, a long fuel queue happened in all fuel stations. Some people said that the fuel prices would be raised, some said the gasoline was going to be scarce. There were incidents that stained in some places, like queue grabing. One of the incidents even become a national […]

Eksplorasi Migas 101. Part 3 : Drilling

Setelah data2 terkumpul, dimulailah proses drilling atau pengeboran sumur. Sebelum ngebor, dibikin dulu drilling plan atau drilling schedule, yang intinya berisi seberapa dalam mau ngebor, teknis2 drilling, dan yang paling penting kapan target selesai ngebornya. Dalamnya sumur yang mau dibor bisa bervariasi antara beberapa ratus meter saja, sampe ribuan meter. Untuk mengebor sumur, digunakan struktur […]

Eksplorasi Migas 101. Part 2 : Survei

Survei merupakan tahap paling awal dalam proses eksplorasi minyak dan gas. Di tahap ini dicari lokasi lapangan yang memiliki potensi hidrokarbon. Tahap ini melihat dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas, yaitu keseluruhan lapangan, ya kalo di Indonesia contohnya keseluruhan lapangan Duri atau Blok Mahakam. Cakupan yang paling luas diperoleh dari satellite image, dimana dilihat perubahan2 […]

Eksplorasi Migas 101. Part 1 : Geologi

Tahun lalu saya ikut Technical Training Program. Mumpung masih inget dikit2, melalui beberapa post kedepan, saya coba nyeritain lagi materi2 yang diajarin disana. Terutama yang berkaitan sama tahapan eksplorasi oil and gas. Untuk memahami eksplorasi minyak dan gas, mau gak mau emang harus berhubungan sama geologi. Kira2 garis besarnya kayak gini. Hidrokarbon Menurut teori mainstream […]

Mendukung Israel?

Sebelumnya, yang membaca post ini mohon membacanya sampai bawah. Biar gak ada yang missed dari pesan yang mau tak sampaikan. 12 Juni 2014, 3 remaja dari pemukiman Israel di Tepi Barat hilang. Pemerintah Israel secara langsung menyalahkan Hamas. Israel Defense Forces melancarkan Operation Brother’s Keeper, menculik 350 orang, dan membunuh 5 orang Palestina, walopun sama […]

Merbabu Solo Trekking

Last month, I go hike up at Merbabu. My intention was to have exercise, because the next month I would go to Rinjani. Because it was incidental, I decided to do it single man by myself. So, the night before, I rent a tent from a outdoor equipment rental near my ex-campus. It was a […]

Through Struggle part 2

God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (al-Ra’d, 13:11) Some people think that they could achieve their goals and objectives. Some others just think to let it flow. Some people think that it just destiny that could bring them somewhere or that just luck that they […]