Year: 2014


Since I was kid, my dreams in sleeping was very much strange. Maybe because I read many books, including my grandfather’s massive book collection and many comics that I read from the comic rental, and I watch so many films, including much early Japanese anime that shown on the TV. I also often be carried […]


Since I was kid, my dreams in sleeping was very much strange. Maybe because I read many books, including my grandfather’s massive book collection and many comics that I read from the comic rental, and I watch so many films, including much early Japanese anime that shown on the TV. I also often be carried […]

Dibalik Make Up Njagong

Ceritanya lagi mau kondangan ke nikahan Nia dan Fendi di Solo, gag nemu tempat buat dandan, alhasil nunut dandan di SPBU Manahan yang ternyata cukup cozy juga. Tempatnya luas dan ada Cafe di sampingnya. Dari pada bosen nunggu cewek-cewek dandan iseng-iseng njajal aplikasi Magisto. Menurut saya aplikasi ini cukup simpel …

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Pulang menjemput harap

Kata khotib jumat tadi, harapan harus selalu ada dalam setiap keadaan apapun, meskipun dalam keadaan yang hampir pasti kita mati. Seorang penyair mengatakan ketika kita jatuh kedalam sungai berarus deras sekalipun yang di dalamnya terdapat buaya dan hewan buas lain disana, kita harus tetap punya harapan meskipun hanya dengan berpegangan …

Public Transport is Dying in Jogja

This few days, my mother told me that it is harder to get Biskota. For example, the highway near my house, it used to be passed by Jalur 7, but lately rarely passed, if didn’t pass at all anymore. It passed by Transjogja too, but between the bus stops are too far here. It was […]

Public Transport is Dying in Jogja

This few days, my mother told me that it is harder to get Biskota. For example, the highway near my house, it used to be passed by Jalur 7, but lately rarely passed, if didn’t pass at all anymore. It passed by Transjogja too, but between the bus stops are too far here. It was […]

Fuel Queue Deception

Last week we saw a phenomenon in Yogyakarta, a long fuel queue happened in all fuel stations. Some people said that the fuel prices would be raised, some said the gasoline was going to be scarce. There were incidents that stained in some places, like queue grabing. One of the incidents even become a national […]

Fuel Queue Deception

Last week we saw a phenomenon in Yogyakarta, a long fuel queue happened in all fuel stations. Some people said that the fuel prices would be raised, some said the gasoline was going to be scarce. There were incidents that stained in some places, like queue grabing. One of the incidents even become a national […]