Day: August 22, 2011

semester 5 = angkatan tua (?) * galau krs

woooiiiyoooooooo.. gak kerasa udah mau masuk taun kedua setengah sbg mahasiswa :3 cepet sekaaalii!! udah mau punya adek angkatan lagi eh (udah tuaaaaaaaa!!!) kemarin pas KRS-an sempet galau bingung” gitu mau memperdalam apa, kurikulumnya baru coy bikin mumet. byk matkul yg diganti namanya, ada juga matkul wajib baru, ada jg yg tadinya pilihan jd wajib.  […]

// abstract update -s

mirip, cuma minor editing A prototype for a nanosatellite on-board computer system have been produced and implemented with the capability to acquire satellite housekeeping datas. A nanosatellite is a satellite with a lightweight mass (1 to 10 kg). An on-board computer module is an electronic module that is in charge of controlling the acquisition and […]