Category: dari hati ke hati


today is the first day in 1432 Islamic Year. Starting this day with a warm cup tea, and reading Kompas epaper. Random PostBingungHello world!2011 Dream and GoalSebuah Cerita di KKNSoftware Handphone yang Useful


Day by day…. Start working.. Open netbeans, textwrangler, and some browsers. create a music playlist in itunes. End.. But it will be repeated in the next day… ….looping… Random PostSakitMenampilkan Gambar/Foto dari PicasaSelf Jo…

Move On

One by one, my friends leaving jogja. They have found their own way. Make a decision to move on. But i’m still sitting here. Just wondering, what will happen in the next day. pic from here Random PostRefreshingwhat the!!!!Setia di HMEIDemam Yahoo…


What is codelovia ? Codelovia will be a place for me to doing some thing. It’s a sand-box. I will learn, create, write, modify, share, etc in there . Please wait until i’ve finished setting up the web. Just a minutes ago i’ve finished…


Memulai sesuatu memang kadang tidak mudah. Memulai sesuatu penuh dengan tantangan dan ujian baru, yang akan membuat kita menjadi lebih baik. Dimanapun, itu tidak masalah. Yang penting lakukan yang terbaik. Teringat pesan Dipto, “ketekunan akan me…