Day: March 22, 2011

Make Your Own URL Shortener

There are so many URL Shortener since Twitter became popular. The 140 character limitation makes a nightmare when someone want to share a long URL. So URL Shortener has been a solution. Twitter also have URL Shortener name So, there are …

Menghitung Jumlah Record Query MySQL

Terdengar simple memang, tapi saya sering lupa, jadi buat mengingat-ingat syntax ini aja, jadi saya tulis di blog deh.. SELECT count(*) as jumlah FROM table_name WHERE 1 syntax diatas digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah record dari hasil query di MySQL sebenere syntax e bisa lebih simple, tanpa menggunakan ‘as’ jadi gini aja: SELECT count(*)  FROM table_name […]