Month: July 2013

Saling Melihat

Seorang admin di sebuah perusahaan konsultan berpikir, “Alangkah enaknya kerja jadi konsultan. Kalo lembur dapat uang lembur, gaji lebih besar, fasilitas lengkap.” Di lain pihak, seorang konsultan berpikir, “Alangkah enakya kerja jadi admin. Ga perlu lembur sampe malem, ga usah pergi “riwa-riwi” kesana kemari. Cukup duduk manis di office, gaji tiap bulan pasti karena ga […]

The Viva la Vida Song Story

Because i like Coldplay’s song Viva La Vida, i’d like to share a story about it. This explanation was taken from quora The song is essentially putting itself in the shoes of Louis XVI and the theme is his transition from ultimate power to his death. He was found guilty of treason and eventually beheaded. […]

The post The Viva la Vida Song Story appeared first on Chipz Personal Blog.